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Street photography presents unique challenges to introverts like me. Still, there is, to me an unmatched power in documenting life as it happens.
There are few places that have been more isolated from Western culture than Myanmar (formerly Burma). I've twice had the opportunity to travel to Myanmar to do documentary work. To say that traveling there was a pleasure is an understatement. Every day I dream of returning to my Burmese friends.
Tennessee, the great state which I call home. I haven't lived here that long, but I'm already impressed with the history, culture and beauty.
There are few things I take more pictures of than my family and it's not always black and white, believe it or not. Personally, I think it's the best looking family in the entire world.
“To the complaint, 'There are no people in these photographs,' I respond, There are always two people: the photographer and the viewer.”
― Ansel Adams
It's hard to pick 12 photos to represent an entire body of work, but here is my best effort. I hope you enjoy viewing them half as much as I enjoyed taking them.